1FIFFY6.ZIP 56,328 11-18-94 REoL TOUGH: Levels for DOOM! BarronWasteland As if you don't know what toexpect here, BARRONS! TONS of Barrons!Almost NOTHING but Barrons! Smooth actiontoo!
1GHDEMOS.ZIP 27,844 11-18-94 Good, fast .lmp demos for Doom v1.666. Nowalk-through here, these are non-stopentertainment. E1m5 e2m2 e2m5 e2m8 e2m9e3m1 Barons For Breakfast and other carnage.
303SUX2.ZIP 15,232 11-22-94 303 SUCKS! PWAD for DOOM v1.666.
ACHERON2.ZIP 84,172 10-12-94 New Doom II level, for the commercialrelease map 03.
ALDOOM1.ZIP 1,058,559 10-15-94 Complete Aliens Doom package. This changesthe graphics into Aliens characters andweapons, including ALL bosses and FIVEdifferent kinds of aliens. 1/2.
ALDOOM2.ZIP 997,084 10-15-94 Complete Aliens Doom package. Changes ALLsounds and has levels to be run withALDOOM1.zip on registered DOOM 1.2 orabove. 2/2.
ALOHA2U2.ZIP 328,857 10-16-94 DOOM user-wad from scratch. Four Maps: E1M1.M4 Bright & Shiny, Dark & Gloomy 900,000K Cooperative & Deathmatch (but untested).
AMBUSHD2.ZIP 53,797 11-29-94 Ambush Deathmatch. Completely new conceptin the DeathMatch Arena, DEFENSE!. A Mustfor The serious Death Matcher.
ANOTHER9.ZIP 95,288 11-20-94 From the maker of "Evil Realm". Acooperative/deathmatch level with more than300 sectors! New music, and sounds havealso been included. This level is for DOOM1.
ANTHELL4.ZIP 66,110 10-10-94 New update for Anthell DOOM WAD.
APCIDM51.ZIP 400,984 10-30-94 MultiPlayer Network Modem DOOM! Freewareutility for DOOM or DOOM II. It is theclient software that allows high-speedmodem users to play FOUR PLAYER truenetwork modem DOOM via the APCi MultiPlayerGame Server.
ARGUS.ZIP 40,428 11-14-94 DOOM II "Argus" Episode. First of a seriesof levels, some of which are completelyrevamped levels first released as Sacrificelevels 1-6 for DOOM I.
ARMORY.ZIP 64,539 09-23-94 Armory Wad file for DOOM 1.2. What aperfect place to end up. So damn many hellspawn around, now you can mop them up! Becareful, security is tight and there aremeasures to keep the weapons safe.
ASDOOM.ZIP 298,016 09-10-94 The entire ASDOOM series. Replacing levelsE1M1 to E1M9. A whole new episode - FREE!Contains all the levels found in the filesASDOOM1 to 4.
BABYDOLL.ZIP 188,487 10-27-94 Preview of Dolocaust DOOM. Replaces all thehuman dudes with Baby Dolls! Blast theirhead off! Churn out their eyes! But it'sjust the beginning! Watch for Dolocaustwhere you can also kill Barbies, BetsyWetsies and more.
BAD.ZIP 38,570 10-04-94 Cool wad for Doom with a couple ofcavernous rooms and lots of surprises!
BARFIGHT.ZIP 21,396 10-28-94 Barfight Deathmatch WAD for Doom. Invite afew friends down for a couple of beers andblow their heads off. This level requiresstrategy and quick reflexes.
BCDEATH1.ZIP 33,243 10-27-94 BC Death 1 WAD.
BCDEATH2.ZIP 44,882 10-27-94 BC Death 2 WAD.
BCDEATH3.ZIP 38,907 10-27-94 BC Death 3 WAD.
BCDEATH4.ZIP 56,110 10-27-94 BC Death 4 WAD.
BCDEATH5.ZIP 62,633 10-27-94 BC Death 5 WAD.
BCDEATH6.ZIP 39,616 10-27-94 BC Death 6 WAD.
BEWARE26.ZIP 88,785 09-27-94 Beware WAD with New Levels for RegisteredDOOM. A very detailed WAD, complete withwell-matched textures, many lifts, manyswitches and linedefs to trigger floors andbrighten or darken light levels.
BIGBAD1.ZIP 34,575 11-14-94 DOOM II - The Big Bad One. This is a largewad, lots of area to cover.
BIGTRAP.ZIP 66,359 10-27-94 Big Trap - For serious players only. Fulleffect.
BIL2.ZIP 9,791 09-25-94 Very different .wad file for the registeredversion of Doom.
BLOTWALZ.ZIP 356,266 10-04-94 Blood on the walz wad. Five level wad withsome new textures, and new music for eachlevel.
BLSIDE.ZIP 91,234 11-18-94 Blind Side WAD for DOOM][.
BOBAFETT.ZIP 66,215 10-06-94 Changes the Sargents in DOOM (registered)into Boba Fett from Star Wars.
BODYBAGG.ZIP 24,996 11-10-94 Body Bag, pWAD for DOOM 1.666. Teleportedinto a frenzy of violence your mission,should you choose to accept it, is to wasteas many mutants that you can and escapealive!
BOSSES.ZIP 108,016 10-14-94 2Bosses PWAD. The title tells it all if youare a serious DOOM player. Large rooms forplenty of space to run to!
BRET2AWE.ZIP 364,551 11-01-94 Like Brett2 WAD except it has special musicjust for the SoundBlaster Awe32 card.
BRETT2.ZIP 350,067 09-15-94 Brett2 v1.0 replaces E2M1-E2M5. New music,a few new sounds. Starts out simple andgets to mind numbing. All skill levels arefunctional so this is a great PWAD file forthe beginner to the advanced player.
BRNINHLL.ZIP 20,187 11-02-94 Thought you were back on Earth andeverything was ok, huh? Sorry, the Spawnsof Hell didn't come alone! Satan is lurking(an invisible, no-clipping Satan, by theway) and spreading his Hellfire.
CAPFEST.ZIP 34,601 11-07-94 Doom WAD.
CARNAG15.ZIP 34,332 10-25-94 Ultimate Carnage 1-5 DOOM PWAD. Replacesepisode 1, level 5. This level is for thosewho love wasting a few thousand imps. GREATfor cooperative play (which is about theonly way you can survive. Heheh).
CARNAG21.ZIP 17,565 10-03-94 Ultimate Carnage 2-1 DOOM PWAD. Modifiedversion of episode 2, level 1. This levelis TOTAL CARNAGE, with tons of imps,cacodemons, a cyberdemon. For those wholove to kill a few thousand imps.
CARNAG22.ZIP 63,396 10-22-94 Ultimate Carnage 2-2 DOOM PWAD. Replacesepisode 2, level 2, into a level of totaldeath and destruction. For those who loveto waste a few thousand imps.
CASLOTR.ZIP 212,437 11-09-94 Castle of the Renegades-Replacement e2m1for registered Doom 1.666 and 1.2. Superb,enormous level for both solo and deathmatchplay. Excellent new music and some nice newgraphics.
CHEESE.ZIP 319,265 10-09-94 Plenty of graphics changes as well as anice layout for all modes. Great new music!Single or Multiplayer.
CHEESYDD.ZIP 248,737 09-24-94 Cheesy Doom Demo. Full screen, High res,but works on any system. Used my oldtrackball in this demo so it's not my best.
CHOOKV22.ZIP 152,446 11-03-94 Imagine your wandering around hell or earthand all of a sudden a 6 foot tall chickenjumps out at you and starts throwing eggs.Then you whip out you Chook launcher, andblow the sucker away.
CHUNKS.ZIP 188,078 10-08-94 Doom network Deathmatch recordings with 2,3, and 4 player LMP's. Includes a WAD withslightly modified E1M1. Must have Doom1.666 registered. Lots of chunks!
CHUNKS2.ZIP 97,057 11-13-94 Doom II 4 Player LMP 1 meg of mega chunks.Recorded with fast computers-very smooth.All new monsters and weapons included withPWAD. Simply copy files into Doom 2directory and run batch file.
CIRCUS_.ZIP 17,678 11-11-94 Circus! (E1M1). Three ring circus you'llnot soon forget! Great for all optionsunder DOOM v1.666.
CLIENT20.ZIP 35,097 10-26-94 Software to play doom! Via internet.
COOL104.ZIP 362,314 10-26-94 CoolDoom v1.04 sound patch for all reg'dDOOM & DOOM2 versions. Very, very, funny!You'll love this one!
CPDEMO2.ZIP 148,950 09-24-94 Doom movie! Watch as Copperhead of OmegaSystems blasts through the 8 levels ofepisode 1 from DOOM!
CRINGE1.ZIP 787,247 09-05-94 MK Doom ][. THE external WAD file for DOOMlovers! All NEW music! All NEW levels!Contains complete episode 2, levels 1through 8 and secret level!
CRINGE2.ZIP 1,334,989 09-05-94 MK Doom ][. New Xtra BLOODY graphics! Checkout the new Double-bladed Chainsaw, or thegold Chaingun and Rocket Launcher. Bewareof the new character-The Son of theCyberDemon. Check out that death scene!
CSRD2_01.ZIP 54,883 10-16-94 Doom ][ Wad replacement for level one. Madefor Co-Op play as priority one.
CSRE1M1.ZIP 843,720 09-14-94 First in a series to make a completeEpisode 2 replacement this is Oblivion Part1. All skill levels are supported, made forbest play in single, co-op and deathmatch.
CURVE14.ZIP 34,639 09-12-94 The Long And Winding Road WAD. You in anightmarish twisting hallway with monstersaround every corner. You're only hope is tosomehow survive and find the door.
CYBLAIR1.ZIP 29,922 09-08-94 Cyber-Lairs WAD.
CYBRDTH2.ZIP 82,543 10-18-94 Doom 2 WAD for single, multi, and deathmatch play.
D16CHEAT.ZIP 7,924 10-23-94 Network/Modem Cheater for Doom 1.6(shareware). Now you can cheat over themodem and not have anyone know your doingit!. Great to reduce your DEATHMATCHpartners ego.
D2CHT.ZIP 10,553 09-14-94 Menu driven cheat for Doom ][.
D2POD1.ZIP 26,152 11-15-94 Plains of Death 1. Featuring fast pacedaction spanning a large plain with severalterrain features. Tough, especially atdifficulty settings 3-5. Replaces Map 01.
D2SECRET.ZIP 17,191 10-23-94 Secrets List. All the official secret areasin the game DOOM are numbered and listed inthis text, along with the sector number,IDMYPOS coordinates, and decimalcoordinates.
D9_2.ZIP 304,632 10-21-94 Another WAD File for Doom 1.x.
DCC33.ZIP 80,422 10-05-94 Doom Control Center v3.3 for Doom 1.666.Run single/serial/modem/network games.Mouse-driven user interface, control allaspects of modem and net games WITHOUTcommand line parameters.
DCK11A.ZIP 277,253 09-09-94 The Ultimate WAD Creator! Doom ConstructionKit v1.1a. Edit/create maps faster thanyou've ever done it before. Featuresdrag-n-drop, cut-and-paste, button bars,full menu system and dialog boxes, more.
DEADEYE.ZIP 49,991 10-15-94 Dehack for Doom 1.666 that gives you asight to aim your shotgun, chaingun, orpistol for long distance sniping. Worksgreat in deathmatches.
DEATHTRP.ZIP 16,003 11-16-94 Death Trap for Doom 1.666. Plenty of tricksin this wad level. Enough to make you throwup trying to figure out what does what.
DECIUPGR.ZIP 41,548 09-15-94 Fixes bugs in first release of DOOMECIconversion utility.
DEPMV080.ZIP 272,556 11-07-94 DoomEdit/PM Beta v0.80 for OS/2. SupportsDOOM and DOOM2. Configurable drag-and-dropPM interface, tunable background threadednode builder (builds id maps 100%),complete thing/linedef/sidedef/sectorchecking, PWAD mergin
DEREK1.ZIP 14,199 11-03-94 Easy DOOM v1.666 level with an animatedcomputer wall.
DEREK2.ZIP 22,548 11-14-94 Derek's second Doom level. There are manyways around this level choose the rightone! Requires DOOM v1.666 Registeredversion only! Replacement for E1M3,supports single and coop play.
DETHDAY2.ZIP 43,827 09-24-94 Day of Deathmatch 2 WAD.
DETHDAY3.ZIP 22,398 09-24-94 Day of Deathmatch 3 WAD.
DETHZONE.ZIP 13,803 10-08-94 Great Deathmatch For Doom 2. Lots ofsniping spots set up for Deathmatch 2.0.utility.
DEU2C.ZIP 191,885 11-10-94 DEU2 Complete v6.66ß. A more complete DEUfor Doom 2. Allows use of all Textures,Linedef types and things.
DEUTEX21.ZIP 169,226 11-18-94 DeuTex v2.1. WAD composition tool for DOOM;compatible w/the level editors (like DEU);reverse engineer existing PWAD; composeyour own wall textures; add your own floorsand sprites.
DEVOURDM.ZIP 14,921 10-24-94 WAD for Doom II - Deathmatch.
DGOLD4BT.ZIP 313,050 10-11-94 Doom Gold Four Bright. The firstsound/lighting PWAD to be createdexclusively for use with commercial DOOM IIHell On Earth!
DIEFOR.ZIP 23,170 10-20-94 The Newest, Badest, Kickassest,Co-Op/Deathmatch level for Doom II!
DII1234.ZIP 151,720 10-24-94 Doom II 1324. Multi-level PWAD for DOOM2.This is map levels 1 2 3 and 4, the 1stthree are modified versions of the originalmaps, level 4 is a NEW level made fromscratch.
DIRTYTRK.ZIP 39,464 09-20-94 Doom wad file replaces E2M1. Includes acouple of version 1.666 only features.
DIW.ZIP 11,133 10-29-94 Utility for Doom! - wadirectory.
DL100B6.ZIP 115,389 10-07-94 The BEST Shell For DOOM! Fully SupportsDOOM v1.666! Menu-Driven access to all DOOMoptions! Fully supports Multi-Player games!WADs are ZIPed until needed! Handles up to750 external WAD files!
DM2BOX.ZIP 10,853 11-21-94 Boxing WAD for DOOM II. Deathmatch boxinggame (please no guns allowed). You caneither duke it out or have a chainsaw match!
DM2CHNST.ZIP 11,913 09-02-94 Makes the ShotGun in DOOM 2 fire like theChainGun!
DM2CONV.ZIP 24,301 11-12-94 Doom/Doom II WAD utility.
DM2DAN.ZIP 56,206 10-19-94 Dante's Gate v2.1 for Doom ][. First levelin my INFERNO series and is fullycompatible with DOOM ][. I've addedmonsters, weapons, and other goodies alongthe way.
DM2FTH.ZIP 37,518 11-21-94 Foothills of Hell v2 for Doom II. Lots ofmonsters and just enough bullets.
DM2GM1.ZIP 55,219 11-01-94 Deathmatch WAD for Doom II.
DM2LEV30.ZIP 67,248 10-08-94 DOOM2 - Wav file of sound that creature onmap 30 makes. Two files. One normal and theother in reverse.
DM2MAP.ZIP 7,440 10-10-94 Converts WADs from Doom I to Doom II.
DM2NIN.ZIP 23,082 10-29-94 Doom 2 Deathmatch level. Great layout,better than the original.
DM2NYC1.ZIP 52,241 11-03-94 Doom II PWAD of New York for Deathmatches.
DM2NYC2.ZIP 57,940 11-01-94 Another New York City Doom II PWAD forDeathmatch mode.
DM2PSY.ZIP 31,947 11-21-94 This wad is FAST-PACED! You will die! Ifyou do not like high intensity, totalcarnage, absolute psychotic action. Thendon't play this wad! Single, coop, andDEATHMATCH!
DM2QDOX.ZIP 1,365 09-01-94 Doom 2 Review and Dox Review Quick Dox andTips Including Secret Wolf-3d LevelInstructions!
DM2REV.ZIP 38,794 10-23-94 Provides an effective REVERSE DeHack forDOOM.
DM2SPEC.ZIP 27,285 09-10-94 Un-official Doom II specs for DEU 5.21.
DM2THUD.ZIP 271,344 11-02-94 Thud! A new 9 level episode for Doom II.Replaces maps 01 through 09. Containspuzzles to solve as well as good oldmonster fragging. May not be good fordeathmatch, but cooperative play would behelpful.
DM2THUD2.ZIP 579,046 11-15-94 Thud2! The sequel to Thud!. Nine morelevels to puzzle and shoot your waythrough. Replaces maps 10 through 18.
DM2WAD.ZIP 243,353 10-10-94 Texture Convertor from Doom I to Doom II.
DM2ZAP.ZIP 150,372 10-15-94 ZAP Shell for DOOM II v1.0. Awsome shellfor the newest DOOM game! Use your mouse topick options -quick and easy start-ups!
DMADDS11.ZIP 96,915 11-25-94 DMADDS v1.1. Tool to allow for sprite andflats graphic replacement and replacementdistribution by means of PWAD files,without changing the IWAD file.
DMBATMAN.ZIP 31,148 09-17-94 Batman Meets ID Software! Optimized fordeathmatch but is still pretty good forsingle/Coop play.
DMCAD50.ZIP 657,609 11-15-94 DoomCAD v5.0 for Windows. THE state of theart Doom level creation facility. Features:3D Level preview, prefab construction kit,FULL tutorial.
DMCARN.ZIP 76,617 09-01-94 Master's of Carnage WAD.
DMCHK101.ZIP 130,253 10-27-94 DMCheck - Checks the version of DOOM, tocheck if the installed version isregistered or not, verify the availablefree disk space, change or display thedate/time of a file and to show a promptwhile waiting for a key to
DMCPM1.ZIP 244,775 10-26-94 Doom 1 level - is this just a dream?
DMCROS.ZIP 55,693 11-15-94 Doom I pwad for level e1m1.
DMD123.ZIP 153,591 10-22-94 3 new levels for DOOM v1.666.
DMDETH.ZIP 276,564 10-31-94 9 Small Deathmatches for Doom 1 & 2 v1.666.Great for two player deathmatch 2.0 modemplay!
DMDIST.ZIP 8,872 11-11-94 Doom WAD for excellent death match mode.
DME1MAPS.ZIP 59,017 10-31-94 These are full page 1024 x 768 x 16resolution DOOM maps for Episode 1.
DMEXPO.ZIP 51,450 09-01-94 Doom WAD.
DMF132.ZIP 39,485 09-17-94 DMF v1.32. Modem front end for Doom.
DMGATH.ZIP 95,114 09-01-94 The Gathering WAD.
DMGLOVE.ZIP 80,416 10-10-94 Changes the rocket launcher in Doom into aglove that shoots blue fire balls.
DMGOLD_4.ZIP 311,404 10-11-94 Doom Gold Four. The FIRST sound changingPWAD to be created exclusively for use withcommercial DOOM II Hell On Earth!
DMHAKU.ZIP 58,800 10-30-94 Dehacked v2.1 DOOM editor. The latestversion, changed to work better with DoomII.
DMHOW11.ZIP 4,591 10-21-94 DOOM! Text file tips & tricks.
DMHQ.ZIP 53,565 09-01-94 Doom WAD.
DMIMP2.ZIP 71,432 09-01-94 Imp Zone WAD.
DMJZOO.ZIP 88,737 09-01-94 The Zoo WAD.
DMKHOO.ZIP 474,099 11-07-94 Khoon WAD.
DMLAM.ZIP 106,614 10-19-94 New level for DOOM. Requires a fast 486 atleast.
DMLOAD2.ZIP 86,886 10-30-94 Front End for DOOM1 and DOOM2. Lots ofoptions including using external WAD's,turbo mode, warping, etc.
DMLOST.ZIP 68,807 09-01-94 The Lost Level of Doom WAD.
DMLVLFX.ZIP 75,964 09-21-94 Flips your wads so if you are used toturning right to get a weapon you will nowhave to turn left. Also a program to resizeyour wad to allow for more room whenplaying those deathmatch games.
DMMAST.ZIP 49,549 09-01-94 Master WADs.
DMMIND.ZIP 92,227 11-22-94 Doom 1 level - Lost Mind.
DMMM.ZIP 103,187 10-18-94 Mike's WADs.
DMMORPH.ZIP 186,231 11-10-94 Morph made up of pictures from Doom!Convert this to an executable file and youhave an excellent screen saver!
DMNCHEAT.ZIP 7,178 11-03-94 NetCheat. Modem cheater for DOOM 1.X andDOOM ][. Unlimited Ammunition. Works withall releases for both DOOM 1 and DOOM 2.
DMNUTZ.ZIP 318,637 11-17-94 MegaNutz v1.0. A none too seriousDeathMatch level, based on the author's ownhighly acclaimed level MEGADETH V 2.4a.This level is specifically designed forDEATHMATCH play.
DMOMF11.ZIP 23,515 11-04-94 DMOMF revision 11/94. Patch your OMF (OneMust Fall) saved game files. Max-out yourrobots attributes.
DMO_1.ZIP 29,717 09-01-94 DOOM Pwad made only for DeathMatch.
DMPEN.ZIP 127,412 09-01-94 The UCA Prison WAD.
DMPERL.ZIP 57,048 09-12-94 Doom Level - Pearl Jam.
DMSBAS.ZIP 138,617 11-09-94 Doom I level - Starbase.
DMSPRI.ZIP 104,550 09-01-94 Wellspring of Evil WAD.
DMTET.ZIP 24,191 09-01-94 Doom WAD.
DMTEX10C.ZIP 47,401 09-24-94 DoomTex v1.0c. For adding new patches andtextures.
DMTHEA.ZIP 80,265 09-01-94 Theatre Doom WAD.
DMTRAIN1.ZIP 18,856 09-17-94 Doom Trainer Episode 1. All maps of the 1stepisode recorded and completed with 100%kills, items, and secrets.
DMTWR.ZIP 204,020 09-15-94 Doom Level - Tower.
DMVENG.ZIP 61,347 09-01-94 Vengeance WAD.
DMVOID.ZIP 120,416 11-17-94 In the ruins of Deimos base, the mop-upcrew found plans for a ship that will crossthe void between the galaxies. This shipwill enable the Hell-Spawn to spread theirevil across the entire universe!
DMWACH.ZIP 66,145 09-15-94 Doom Level - Watch.
DMWICK.ZIP 52,961 09-01-94 Wicked WAD.
DM_LKOUT.ZIP 59,221 10-27-94 Look Out Level v1.1. Many cool tricks andtreats, just in time for Halloween! Thislevel makes the player LOOK OUT! Behindthem. And there are many LOOK OUTs you canget up into to sneak up on the enemies.
DM_TBA.ZIP 20,891 10-27-94 The Back Alley: Deathmatch for Doom 2 in astate of disarray, the back alley sits asdangerous as you have ever seen.
DOOM2CHE.ZIP 2,300 09-16-94 Doom II Hints, Cheats and Secrets.
DOOM2DM1.ZIP 36,973 10-03-94 Death Match Level for Doom ][. Now youdon't have to play the lame (forDeathMatches) levels included with D][ whenyou want to kill your pal!
DOOM2DM2.ZIP 40,351 10-24-94 Deathmatch WAD for Doom ][. Gotten tired ofgetting wasted in DOOM2DM1.WAD? Well, hereit is, DOOM2DM2.WAD, the sequel of death.
DOOM2HOW.ZIP 4,291 10-21-94 Doom II text file, tips and tricks.
DOOM2LMP.ZIP 10,905 11-27-94 LMP Demo for Doom2 v1.7a. Dead Simple onUltra Violence mode.
DOOM2NEW.ZIP 70,708 10-16-94 Doom II levels 1-3. Only the beginning ofan attempt to reconstruct the entire set oflevels.
DOOM2_17.ZIP 31,591 10-23-94 Doom II LMP recording of level 17 showing100% kills and secrets. It's one of thefunnest DOOM II levels - plenty of action!
DOOM2_26.ZIP 33,662 11-24-94 Doom II LMP recording of level 26 showing100% kills and secrets.
DOOM3GEN.ZIP 63,123 10-12-94 Doom 1 and Doom 2 modifier info.
DOOMAST.ZIP 40,857 10-20-94 What is Doomaster? An AWESOME shell programfor Doom II: Hell on Earth. Allows you manyoptions, including making your marine runfaster, monsters firemore often, and evencreating and reading from alternateparameter file
DOOMCH.ZIP 57,700 10-31-94 Doom Cheat v2.0. Works with DOOM ][. Savedgame editor that lets you enable GOD mode,Walk through walls, get all the AMMO, keys,HEALTH, armor you want.
DOOMCONF.ZIP 40,575 10-06-94 Compiled version of the Doom Gaming WorldForum on August 1-5, 1994.
DOOMEN15.ZIP 75,780 09-20-94 Doom Network Menuing System v15.333. AllowsIPX network, modem, and null-modem play, orstand alone play quickly and easily thru amenu which is far better than the onepackaged with Doom.
DOOMIT52.ZIP 89,239 11-17-94 Doom-It Setup Program v5.2. Alternate setupprogram for Doom and Doom 2. Take fulladvantage of command-line-only parameters.
DOOMLD4B.ZIP 194,344 10-18-94 Doom Load v4.0 beta. Shell for easy loadingof PWADS during Multi-Player DOOM sessions.
DOOMSG.ZIP 66,070 11-22-94 Doom Save File Editor. Edits save filesfrom DOOM releases 1.2 thru 1.6 and DOOM 2.It also edits NetDOOM save games, but filesmust be edited on each node separately.
DOOMSHEL.ZIP 49,925 10-31-94 Shell for Doom! and Doom II.
DOOMTUNE.ZIP 26,174 10-02-94 Collection of tunes to replace repeatedmusic in DOOM episodes.
DOOMWRI.ZIP 65,797 09-05-94 DOOM - Episode 1. Maps of all levels inWindows Write format for easy printing andviewing.
DRAINAGE.ZIP 13,977 10-30-94 The Drainage Pipe Deathmatch PWAD.
DU105.ZIP 179,957 10-27-94 DoomUtil v1.05. Powerful front end for thecasual player up to the WAD developer.Provides support for single or multipleplayer sessions, and extensive PWAD control.
DUELING1.ZIP 21,173 10-11-94 Super Dueling Doom!
DVIEW250.ZIP 17,091 10-24-94 Mr. Skibone's DoomView v2.5. Views thegraphics in ANY Doom I or Doom II WAD orPWAD. Admire the artwork - Export to BMPFun for the whole family!
D_DEMO.ZIP 111,308 10-12-94 Preview copy of the new Doom shell by thecreators of Doom/Master. The Best PWADsupport around. Including a PWAD converterthat will automaticly convert PWADS forDOOM (Registered) so they will work withDOOM 2.
E2M1SAS1.ZIP 64,628 10-31-94 Now compatible with Doom v1.666. Adds a twoplayer Deathmatch.
EARTHWAD.ZIP 46,164 09-13-94 Earth Day - Earth Ball - now EARTH DOOM!
EASYW110.ZIP 77,838 09-16-94 DOOM EasyWAD v1.10. For all those DOOMerswith loadsa WAD files. It produces a niceWAD selection interface.
EDMAP121.ZIP 366,694 10-10-94 Doom Map Editor v1.21. Change existinglevels or make your own.
EDWARDO.ZIP 20,961 09-24-94 Mr. Edwardo WAD.
EGYPTWAD.ZIP 259,755 09-04-94 Total remake of the entire episode 1.Includes new background graphics (thus thename) Awesome! Not for novices though, asit gets really dangerous during the lastlevels.
EMPIRE3.ZIP 24,567 09-10-94 Part Three in the Great EMPIRE series.Supports all levels of play. Superdeathmatch level.
EMPIRE4.ZIP 45,979 09-10-94 Part four in the Great EMPIRE series.Supports all levels of play. Good windowsand arenas for deathmatch.
ENDOOMER.ZIP 40,567 10-10-94 New add-on for DOOM lets you print outcolors and patterns.
EORNOM2.ZIP 21,589 09-01-94 Deathmatch external PWAD for registeredDOOM. Strategic locations for ambush/battletactics. Open area for combat.
EP1DEMO.ZIP 220,707 10-26-94 Ultraviolent, Ultrafast (-turbo) DOOM Idemo of episode #1 - the whole thingwithout dieing or cheating! Re-recorded forless cheese. YOU should have a 486DX w/ 8MBRAM or better for a smooth ride.
EP2DEMO.ZIP 531,973 10-16-94 Very Fast Paced DOOM v1.666 Demo. Episode 2with lots of hidden stuff including thehidden level "Fortress of Mystery". I neverdie on this one and there are No problemswith it this time around.
EP3DEMO.ZIP 243,157 10-26-94 Episode 3 for DOOM I. Very Fast Paced Demo!Includes all of episode 3 with hiddenlevel. Almost all hidden stuff. As usual Inever die in this episode on a skill levelof 3 - "Hurt me plenty" which the baddiesnever had a
ETERNITY.ZIP 464,762 11-03-94 Serenity II aka Eternity (v1.0) Fullreplacement for the second episode of Doom.This set of 8 levels has been made with theword quality in mind. It's Mind here, notMuscles!
EVAPORAT.ZIP 19,691 10-22-94 New DeHack for DOOM that let's youropponent seem to evaporate- very unusualeffect.
EVILR1_2.ZIP 58,976 10-20-94 Evil Realm v1.20. This level is very good!